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Jeff Stern -
Jeff Stern -
Eagle Business Solutions : 0.0 (0 Ratings)
Phone: (631) 219-7648 Website: www.eaglebusinesssolution.com
3VD Promotion: All 3VDs who buy me breakfast get a free session. A Scotch works even better!
EBS works with owners and CEOs to clarify their goals and make them a reality. We focus on Growth and Exit Strategies and ensure that you can live the life you want, when you when. Query: How big do you want your business to get before you a) sell it and start a new one, b) hire a general manager to run it as you start a new one, or c) move the business to the next generation? What is you planned endgame? EBS will help you build your plan and help you execute from start to ??? Let\'s Meet! https://calendly.com/ebsareyouready/30min
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